
Doctors: Dress For The Job That You Have

No doubt you have heard this saying throughout your professional life:

Dress for the job that you want, not for the job that you have.

For most professionals this is sound advice. In the business world, how can you expect to advance your career if you don’t look the part? There’s no second chance for a first impression, and presenting yourself professionally is a huge visual cue for whether or not people will take you seriously in the workplace.

But for doctors, it’s a little different because you’ve already put in the dirty work to get the job that you want! Pat yourself on the back, because the path to becoming a doctor is certainly not an easy one.

Given the amount of time, energy, and hours of sleep you sacrificed to your medical career, doesn’t it make sense to dress like someone who takes their job seriously? By this I mean, why take the risk of your patients or colleagues not taking you as seriously because you’re wearing sloppy, wrinkled scrubs and a cheap-fitting lab coat?

It would be nice if we lived in a world where people didn’t judge books by their cover. But we don’t, and they do. Whether subconsciously or not, people tend to make assumptions based on your visual appearance. For this reason, it’s worth it to invest a little more in your professional appearance by upgrading to the high quality, tailored medical uniforms that are available today.

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