“Today, I experienced a surreal moment as I put on my first long physician’s #whitecoat from @medelita_gram and bid my short white coat farewell, giving it a permanent spot in my closet. My short coat has gone through a lot and will forever serve as a reminder to me of my journey through #medschool. I remember dreaming of receiving that coat during my postbacc years and distinctly remember my excitement the day I received my white almost 4 years ago during my white coat ceremony as a first year #medicalstudent. This coat has been with me on every single one of my rotations and has been with me during some of my longest and most stressful days (and nights). This coat helped to give me confidence as a student doctor during moments I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. That coat served as my backpack and lunch box as I stuffed every imaginable item I needed during rotations into those pockets, such as chapstick, gum, snacks, band aids, notebooks, paper, pens, reference books, you name it. My coat has been marked with multicolored pen stains and scatters of bodily fluids that I have tried to scrub out. It’s crazy to think that through all of the ups and downs of Medschool, I have finally earned my coveted physicians coat. And you bet I was walking around my apartment wearing it. I can’t believe that in a few months, I’ll be working as a resident physician. Thank you so much to @medelita_gram for gifting me with my first coat!” —Alexa Gozali, DO (@the.physicians.kitchen) #medstudentlife #medstudent #repost #ElevateYourAppearance #medelita #whitecoat #labcoat #do