from Instagram:
Medelita is extremely honored to announce our new partnership with Inspiring Women In Surgery (@inspiringwomeninsurgery) as the platform’s official scrubs &lqb coats brand! 👏💊💉👩⚕️ . . . . As a company founded by a female Emergency Medicine PA, Medelita’s values are closely aligned with the core message of InspireWIS: that the progression of women in medicine (specifically surgery) requires the courage, confidence and preparedness to not only take on such a rigorous career path, BUT ALSO, to preserve your identity in the process. Medelita is proud to support this platform that gives a voice to women in surgery, and encourages them to embrace and stand up for who they are, rather than blend-in to gender bias and other preconceptions with which females are typically branded in society’s eyes. The stories told on @inspiringwomeninsurgery are amalgamations of career, family, friends, outside interests and healthy living. #Medelita #ILookLikeASurgeon #WomenInMedicine
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