A PA’s job is never done, and we will never be finished learning. Each day (or night) when we wake up and head to work, we know a challenge lies ahead. And as a woman, that “challenge” is even greater. It means that we will be scrutinized and our patience will be tested. It means we may be looked down upon or thought of as less competent than our male, or MD, counterparts. It means we will have to work twice as hard to gain the same respect. But, we are up for the challenge. • • • Read more about what it means to be a PA and a woman in medicine in our latest blog post from @chasingamyblog – link in our bio! #PAWeek #PAWeek2017 #PhysicianAssistant #PA #PAlove #PAlfie #PAstudent #NationalPAWeek #AAPA #medelita #womeninmedicine #happyPAWeek